Our Mission
To support local children’s organizations in honor of Ellison
Ellison’s favorite color is red. He sleeps with three stuffed puppies and a blue blanket. He loves catching lizards, walking his dog Bear, and donuts. Ellison has a big heart and is always full of questions. He knew he was Mom’s baby but Daddy’s little man.

Nine-year-old Ellison was the youngest of four brothers, growing up in Destin FL. He was always spreading contagious laughter and smiles. October 19th, 2021 was like any other school day. After school he walked his dog, visited with his friend, Mr. Jere, and returned home at Mom’s appointed time. Entering the house, he screamed and began to cry from the pain in his head. Mom rushed him to the ER. Diagnosed with a bleeding brain tumor, he was air lifted to University of FL Shands Children’s Hospital. Emergency surgery was performed during the night. Prayers became as contagious as Ellison’s smiles and spread from friends and family to many who didn’t know Ellison but heard his story. Ellison never woke again in this life but joined those in heaven he so often asked about.
His parents’ true passion has been working and supporting Children’s organizations in Destin. For that reason, a group of friends formed the Ellison McCraney Ingram Foundation. The foundation, by its short name, the “Ellison Fund”, seeks to become a living legacy to Ellison by funding other organizations that serve children.
This web site contains more information about Ellison, his friends and family and how the foundation utilizes your gifts. Your gift is greatly appreciated by the family and the foundation. Most important, your gift will do much in helping other children and families.